SMS Commands

SMS-commands are used for remote control of monitoring systems. Using these commands, you can read the state and the measured values of sensors, control relays or outlets on your Didactum appliance. Phone numbers from which the SMS commands will be sent should be added to the list of allowed numbers in the modem properties ( Click on GSM modem icon and edit "Allowed numbers"). In response to each SMS-command, a response SMS will be sent. In case of an error, an SMS will be sent with information about the error and an example of command. An SMS can contain only one command for only one element. 


To issue commands to the Didactum monitoring system via mobile phone / smartphone SMS, the phone number must be in the "modem" to be entered. Otherwise the command of the Didactum appliance will not be accepted and will not run!

Each SMS command sent to the Didactum Monitoring System is acknowledged in the form of an SMS. If a faulty command is sent to the Didactum system, this will also be answered by the appliance via SMS. In this SMS then is also an example of a correct command. 


The SMS can only contain one command for only one element.

  • set id state or
  • set name state
  1. "ID" represents the number of the element / sensor.
  2. "Name" is the name of the element. Please ensure correct case sensitive.
  3. "State" is the state of the element / sensor


  • "Get 1034" - you will receive SMS information about the sensor with the ID 1034
  • "Get analog 1" you will receive an SMS information about the sensor called analog-1
  • "Get Relay 2" you will receive an SMS information about the switching state of relay 2 ("on" or "off")

Pulse circuit of the relay via SMS command:

At the Relay des Didactum monitoring system pulse commands can be sent.

The corresponding SMS commands to the Didactum monitoring unit carried by the following structure:

  • set name pulse duration or
  • set id pulse duration

Note the correct uppercase and lowercase letters in "name". For "Duration" can be defined in duration from 1 to 120 seconds.


  • "Set pulse 30 1004" - a pulse is sent to the relay with the number "1004" with a delay time of 30 sec.
  • "Set pulse relay 2 110" - an impulse is sent to the "Relay-2" with a delay time of 110 seconds.