Creating Notifications

The Didactum Monitoring Systems can send alerts and alarms. For example, if the sensors detect any changes or critical events they can be immediately reported to all responsible personnel and employees that are responsible for taking action.

To create an alert or an alarm, first go to the "Main Menu" >> "Group Tree" or "System Tree".

Next click on the "+" icon and then choose your "Notification". The pop up window will appear as shown in the illustration below.

In this menu you can select:

  • Notified by e-mail / notification via e-mail
  • Notification via SNMP trap / notification via SNMP Trap
  • Notification by SMS / notification via SMS

Notification via E-mail

To create notification via e-mail you have to specify the following parameters:

NameThe name ofthe elementin the system
GroupYou can specify to which group the notification will be added in "Group tree" menu
SMTP serverName or SMTP server IP address (
SMTP portSMTP server on the correct port number. (e.g. 25 or 465 )
Enable SSLEnable or disable
Login,PasswordSMTP server username and password
Mail fromSender's e-mail address (
Mail toRecipient's e-mail address (
MessageText of the message

SNMP Traps notification

To create notification via e-mail you have to specify the following parameters:

NameThe name ofthe elementin the system
GroupYou can specify to which group the notification will be added in
"Group tree" menu
SNMP serverName or SNMP server IP address (
SNMP portSNMP port (usually 162).
VersionVersion (v1, v2c or v3)
CommunityCommunity name (public)
USM userUser name for protocol v3
Security level

Security level for protocol v3, mobile version.

"noauth" - no authorization, only user name needed;
"auth" - with authorization, need to fill in
"Auth algorithm" and "Auth password";"priv" - with authorization and data encryption, need to fill in "Auth algorithm",
"Auth password", "Private algorithm" and "Private password";

Auth algorithmalgorithm of authorization for protocol v3 with security level "priv" and "auth".
Auth passwordpassword of authorization for protocol v3 with security level "priv" and "auth".
Private algorithmalgorithm of authorization for protocol v3 with security level "priv".
Private passwordpassword of authorization for protocol v3 with security level "priv".

Notification via SMS

To create notification via SMS you have to specify the following parameters:

NameThe name ofthe elementin the system
GroupYou can specify to which group the notification will be added in
"Group tree" menu
Phone numberPhone number of receiver (+421908315000)
MessageText of the message

Attention!  In order for SMS to display correct time, make sure you have set the correct time zone in "Preferences" >> "Network" before sending SMS.  The time zone has to be the same as the time zone of your browser (Operating system). 

Macros in the notification text

The text of the message can include macros. 

Macros have the following form:  

%{number of macro}

When notification is created the system replaces the macros variables with actual values.

The following macros are available:

%1description of the logic scheme that has triggered
%2readings of sensors in the logic scheme
%3logic scheme response time
%4name of logic scheme
%5name of the sensor which triggered the logic scheme
%6state of the sensor in the logic scheme that has triggered
%7the value measured by the sensor or logic level
%8sensor ID that triggered the operation of the logic circuit

Example.  If the text has the following form:

%4 -- %1 -- %2 -- %3

When logic is triggered and  the notification is sent, the recipient will see a message in the following form:  

Logic scheme name -- if 'S/N iButton'(id=13) in state 'alarm', then 'Email'(id=302) changes to state 'on' immediately 'Relay-0'(id=31) changes to state 'pulse' immediately -- 'S/N iButton'(id=13) in state 'alarm' -- 12:40:36 2012/01/18

We recommend to use a more informative form of message, by default it is written in the following form:

Logic %4: -- Defintion: %1 Current sensor state: %2 -- System time: %3

Macroses %5, %6, %7 are able to parameterize by element identifier {id}, i.e. for these macros may set the element for which will be evaluated macros.

Macroses evaluated example:

%5{1018} — print the name of element with id=1018 - 'sc470-0192-internal T°C'; %6{1018} — print the state of element with id=1018 - 'normal'; %7{1018} — print the value of element with id=1018 - '27.4'.

If an element with the specified identifier is not found in the text of the message is inserted - 'id = xxxx not found'.

If the parameter {id} is not specified, in the text of the message is inserted calculated value for the element that is triggered logical scheme .